Water Quality Testing
The water in any food facility must be both microbiologically and chemically fit for use. A contaminated water supply can devastate your business.
Why Test Water Quality?
When producing food, the water used in a facility can affect virtually every aspect of the operation, including hand washing, hygiene procedures, coffee, drinks and food flavour and safety, ice quality, steamer and combi ovens and everything that the water comes into contact with.
Testing your water supply regularly is a key food safety parameter that will ensure that your water supply is not putting your customers and employees at risk.
Water purifying systems must be maintained and in good working order at all times, and testing the system is the most effective way to ensure the water being used is fit for purpose, both microbiologically and chemically.
Other Reasons for Testing Water
- Regulatory compliance
- Equipment efficiency and longevity
- Drinking water quality
- Salad washing effectiveness
- HACCP validation & verification
- Employee and customer safety
“Water quality is critical to producing safe food. If the water used for hand washing is contaminated, that contamination can be spread around the whole environment. Food and drink quality and safety can be adversely affected also.”